Searching and filtering work orders in the mobile app
The searching and filtering features in the mobile app allow you to find work relevant to you in a more efficient manner. The saved filters option will allow you to quickly access the various types of work orders you need. You can create new saved filters, duplicate saved filters, or update existing saved filters.
- Tap the Work Orders icon at the bottom of the screen.
How to search for a work order
*Note: If you've already selected filters, the search will only show results that are within those filters. To search through all work orders, clear the filters by tapping on the filter icon and then tapping Clear to remove existing filter criteria.
- Tap on the search icon (
- Select whether you would like to search by Work Order, Asset, Location, or Site.
- Enter your specific search criteria in one of the various fields. *Note: The fields that display will depend on which option you select.
- Tap Search to see your results on the work order list screen.
How to filter your work order list
- Tap on the filter icon (
- If you have filtered your work order list in the past, the most recent filter criteria will display. *Note: Previously selected filter criteria will remain until you manually clear the selected criteria.
- If necessary, tap Clear in the top right corner to remove any existing filter criteria.
- Select your filter criteria from the various fields in the list or tap Selected Saved Filter to choose a saved filter from the list.
Bright Idea:If you have multiple saved filters but you only use a couple of them on a regular basis, you can favorite them so they are quick and easy to access whenever you open your Saved Filters list. Tap on the star icon (
) next to the filters you use the most. The next time you access the Saved Filters list, you will notice that they moved to the top of the list and now display a yellow star icon.
- Tap Apply Filters to see your results on the work order list screen. The filter criteria you select will appear under each field in the list, or a number will display if the criteria selected will not fit in the field.
How to create a saved filter
- Tap on the filter icon (
- Select the appropriate filter criteria that you want to be saved.
- Tap Save Preset.
- Enter a filter preset name in the Create Filter Preset window that appears.
- Tap Create New Preset. A "Preset Created" notification will appear confirming your filter criteria was saved.
How to create a duplicate saved filter
- Tap on the filter icon (
- Tap Selected Saved Filter.
- Select a saved filter from the list that you would like to duplicate.
- Adjust the filter criteria to align with what you want to display in the new saved filter.
- Tap Save Preset.
- Update the name of the saved filter, then tap Create New Preset.
How to update a saved filter
- Tap on the filter icon (
- Tap Selected Saved Filter.
- Select a saved filter from the list.
- Update the filter criteria, as needed.
- Tap Save Preset.
- Update the name of the saved filter, if necessary.
- Tap Update Existing.